Alternative History


Alternative History is a podcast hosted by Brian and Rodrigo. They take one topic per episode and decide if it merits a different result or perception, an Alternative History.

Alternative History is a podcast based out of the Riverwest neighborhood in Milwaukee, WI and hosted by Brian and Rodrigo, a couple of guys in the prime 18-45 demographic wanting to craft the world as they see fit, if only for an hour or so at a time.

Alternative History podcast is recorded in the ground level of Rodrigo's Polish flat in the Riverwest neighborhood. 

Brian Fischer resides in the Riverwest neighborhood in Milwaukee, WI. Along with his lovely wife, they have three awesome kids and a very hyperactive dog. He works at a local university where he crams numbers in to various excel spreadsheets. He is an unpublished writer of letters and such. 

Rodrigo was born in Recife in the northeast of Brazil; he spent early parts of his childhood in San Salvador, the capital city of El Salvador; he was raised and educated in Wisconsin. He has a communications degree from the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse. He works for an engineering and consulting firm in Milwaukee. He currently lives in the Riverwest neighborhood in the city of Milwaukee.